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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

About Us

Manage your personal finances and close the gap on your goals.

About Us

Welcome to our readers and financial strategists! You’ll find plenty of budgeting and finance related articles on this site to help you manage your personal finances. We also focus on goal setting and have a wide range of articles that can help you set and achieve your goals

Sign up for our free newsletter which includes the latest personal finance news including budget tips and time savers. You can also download the budget planner worksheet and start organizing your finances today.

A tip for the budget minded: Save more of what you earn by keeping a record of potential purchases you’ve considering making. Every time you want to make a purchase that is not immediately necessary, simply write the item to be purchased in the notebook under the current month. At the start of next month read through last month’s items and see if you really need any of them. Chances are you can do without most of the items you’ve written down. If so simply cross them off the list and you’ve increased your monthly saved income.


Our content is written by humans for humans, while we may occasionally use AI generated images with our content, 100% of our written content is created by humans.

Real Engagement

We strive to create articles that engage our readers and broaden perspectives. Our main objective is to deliver real value and increase your knowledge of personal finance.

Unique Stories

Getting a handle on your personal finances doesn’t need to be an arduous task. We aim to make personal finance fun and accessible with informative stories and tips you can use.

Areas of Focus

Budget Strategist is focused primary on the intersection of personal budgeting, budget travel, and personal goal setting.

Personal Budgeting

We have many different articles on creating and implementing a personal budget, as well as tips and tricks that will save you time.

Budget Traveling

Do you love to travel? If your goals include traveling your not alone. We have many different travel related articles and tips to save you time.

Personal Goal Setting

Setting personal goals is an important aspect of planning your future. We have plenty of tips that will help you to realize your goals in a timely fashion.